Day: June 28, 2016



Bickford, J. Albert. 1998. Tools for Analyzing the World’s Languages Morphology and Syntax. Summer Institute of…


11.1   Questions and Commands QUESTIONS are normally used to request information and COMMANDS are normally…

Verbal Valence: Subcategorization and Selectional Restriction

10.1   Transitive of Clauses Clauses that do not contain any objects are called INTRANSITIVE. o   The…

Phrase Structure Rules and the Lexicon

Formal versus informal grammars o  A formal grammar is a scientific model of a language which…

Embedded Clause

8.1.   Embedding (review) Embedding phrase states that several different types of phrases are embedded inside…


1.    1.   Mood v  Mood is  a grammatical category used in many languages to indicate…

Embedding and Noun Phrase Structure

 Noun  phrase structure in English v  In this  chapter, we turn clause structure to noun…


5.1   Obliques v  Obliques  are any of the phrases within a clause other than the…

Nonactive Complements

4.1   Nonactive  complements v Up this point, we have considered clauses that consist of a…

Constituent Structure, Syntactic Categories, and Grammatical Relations

3.1        Constituents and constituent structure v  The fundamental concept of this chapter is that sentences are not…